
Local Trust relaunches campaign for Community Wealth Fund following election delay

19 July 2024

The 2024 General Election left the delivery of the Community Wealth Fund in limbo which is why Local Trust, on behalf of…


The Community Wealth Fund Alliance succeeds in securing dormant assets funding for disadvantaged neighbourhoods

07 March 2023

The Community Wealth Fund Alliance (CWFA) – a group of over 660 civil society, public and private sector organisations advocating to secure…


How a Community Wealth Fund can be evaluated

18 November 2022

A new report by Frontier Economics for the Community Wealth Fund Alliance starts to map out how the Community Wealth Fund could…


Community Wealth Fund included in dormant assets national consultation

01 February 2022

Yesterday the government confirmed its intention to consult on the creation of a Community Wealth Fund to invest in the country’s ‘left…


The Community Wealth Fund campaign is making progress in Parliament

09 December 2021

For over two years now, the Community Wealth Fund Alliance has been calling for the expanded dormant assets scheme (which could release…


The first-ever Community Wealth Fund week

18 October 2021

On 1 – 5 November, we are holding the first-ever Community Wealth Fund Week! Over the past couple of years, the campaign…


Andy Haldane highlights Community Wealth Fund in Community Power Lecture

06 July 2021

On 6 July, Andy Haldane, the former chief economist at the Bank of England and incoming Director of the Royal Society of Arts, gave…


Peers call for a Community Wealth Fund at Dormant Assets Bill debate

03 June 2021

The Dormant Assets Bill was in the House of Lords last week for its Second Reading. The campaign was following the proceedings…


Baroness Lister calls for a Community Wealth Fund in House of Lords

26 May 2021

In the second reading of the Dormant Assets Bill in the House of Lords, Baroness Lister of Burtersett outlined her support for…


10 Councils join call for a Community Wealth Fund

10 September 2020

10 councils have become the first in England to add their support to the call for the Community Wealth Fund, a new independent endowment to invest in the most ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods in…