
The community wealth fund campaign advocates for funding for neighbourhoods that have missed out on their fair share of funding and lack vital social infrastructure. These are neighbourhoods assessed as having high levels of deprivation that have lost facilities and services including community centres, pubs and transport links, and their residents can often feel forgotten or ‘left behind’.  

Our proposal for the community wealth fund is based on a body of evidence, research and analysis and aims to improve the prospects of ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods over the long term. 

The campaign is calling for government to allocate money from the expanded dormant assets scheme to create a community wealth fund. The money would be spent by residents, on projects that they identified as vital for improving their areas.

We persuaded the government to consult on whether dormant assets should be used to establish the fund. And, after a public consultation, the government announced that community wealth funds would become a new beneficiary of the dormant assets scheme.

The government was due to announce its intentions about the design of the fund (following another public consultation) at the point in May when the general election was called and parliament dissolved. We will be working to influence the next government’s approach to the community wealth fund and will post updates here.

You can see a full timeline for the campaign on the Local Trust website.


The Community Wealth Fund Alliance (CWFA) is a group of civil society, public and private sector organisations who support the campaign. You can still join the CWFA to show your support for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods and keep up to date with our work.


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If you support our proposal for a community wealth fund, please join the Alliance of organisations who endorse it by filling out the form below.

  • By joining the Alliance your organisation is saying publicly that it supports the proposal. Membership does not imply any other commitment – financial or otherwise. Members receive our monthly newsletter, gain access to campaign assets, and receive invitations to events. Learn more about what membership means in our FAQs.

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